Today the community came together to express community visions, obstacles to those visions, possible solutions and finally action to those visions by assigning individual people who attended to look the solutions and report back at a later date which is to be decided later, probably after the holidays. The solutions we are working on are the following:
Media: Encompasses all ways in which the word is spread the current horizons program and all community involved programs. The task is being undertaken by Brett, and others.
Cheat Sheets: Sheets that will give key phrases for people who have language difficulty to use during an emergency.
SSL classes:
More ESL classes,
-possible night daycare:
Building a Community Center:
Directory of services for people who are in need
Bringing in motivational speakers to talk to community
-speech to K-6 kids about talking to their parents about coming:
Grant writing training:
Investigate bilingual classes:
“Just say hi”:
Bringing in Americorps to Royal City:
Youth Group:
Community Picnic
-Feature local bands:
Community Gardening:
Future workshops: Understanding labor laws, etc:
Questions about any of the community solutions please email with particular project in the email subject or if it’s a general question just put general. Explanations and who’s involved with projects to be updated by mid December when more information will be available.